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Energy Ensemble

�Energy Ensemble� from Dateline Media Private Ltd, and an associate publication of Steel and Metallurgy, a complete steel magazine, which has turned 15 this year, promises to be a truly international and comprehensive B2B magazine focused on the global energy sector. The journal aims at providing its readers with a unique industry insight through a perfect blend of news, reviews, comments, analysis, regional reports, case studies, technical articles and more. A dedicated and always on-the-job team of scribes working with �Energy Ensemble� would cover all forms of energy (non-renewable and renewable), forms of supply (centralised or decentralised), ownership patterns (public or private, cooperative, joint, or any other), market structures (formal, informal, integrated, disintegrated, national, international, local, etc.) and degrees of commoditisation (e.g. internationally traded, regionally traded, non-traded etc.)

The key focus of these research and research-based write-ups would be on :

1. Economic analysis of sector management issues (pricing, competition, access, reform, restructuring, regulation).
2. Analysis of sector strategies (strategies by governments, industries, consumers, civil society, international bodies).
3. Analysis of financial issues (investments, revenue management, viability).
4. Project management (appraisal, risk management).
5. Organisational and behavioural analysis of sector participants (firms, consumers, others).
6. Knowledge management and innovation in the sector.
7. Issues relating to environment, development and sustainability of the sector. The other USP of the magazine would be that we would have large number industry leaders from energy sector writing for us.

Target Readership: Managers, academics, policy makers, planners, consultants, and others who have interest in the efficient management of the energy sector. We are confident that the magazine would be read by the people who need to know what they are thinking.

Distribution: The magazine will be distributed by mail to its large subscriber base and available at major books and periodicals� stands. One would be able to book one�s copy online on our site. We would also mail directly to members of major global energy conferences, many trade associations and selected individuals within the global energy investment community. Other recipients would include members of the largest utility associations, professional associations and local, state and national government.

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